Double Chin: How to Get Rid of Neck Fat

double chin neck fat

If you have a double chin, chances are, you’re trying to find a way to get rid of it.

Luckily, there are quite a few solutions for this condition. In this article, we’re going to talk about double chins—what they are, where they come from, and how to get rid of them.

Keep reading to learn the best way to get rid of your neck fat.

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What Is a Double Chin? 

In scientific terms, a double chin is a submental layer of fat that develops in and below the chin area. Once that submental layer of fat takes up a more permanent residence on your face, it causes a wrinkle, which creates a double chin appearance.

It’s common to have a double—or even triple chin—especially as your weight fluctuates, and you begin to age. Don’t worry, having a double chin doesn’t mean you’re overweight or unhealthy.

It is, however, not a favorable facial feature to most. We’re not saying that having a double chin makes you unattractive, it’s just something that most people outspokenly prefer not to have.

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What Causes a Double Chin to Develop?

double chin neck fat

Double chins are often associated with weight gain. While weight gain can and will cause most people to develop a double chin, there are other contributing factors to the added facial folds.

Those contributing factors include:

Aging Skin

The second most common cause of a double chin next to excess fat is aging skin. By the time you’re in your 20s, your collagen production starts to slow down. Collagen is what gives skin its plumpness and elasticity.

The older you get, the more collagen you lose. Plus, any unhealthy habits you may have, such as binge drinking, smoking, tanning, and consuming lots of sugar, causes collagen to break down even quicker. Eventually, the skin around your jawline starts to sag from collagen loss, which causes the appearance of a double chin.

Poor Posture

Believe it not, all that time you spend hunched over your smartphone or tablet may be contributing to your double chin.

The crane posture may have benefited the Karate Kid, but trust us, it’s not doing your neck any favors. Not only will craning kink your neck up, but it weakens the platysma muscle that connects your neck to your chin.

As the platysma muscle weakens, so does the elasticity around your jawline, which eventually contributes to sagging skin.

Facial Structure

The shape of your face plays a large role in your chin’s appearance. Just as certain body types hold weight in a more flattering way, certain facial structures are more forgiving in the chin area.

People with weak jawlines and recessive chins usually fall victim to the development of double chins. This is because their skin is stretched over a smaller area compared to someone with a stronger and more prominent jawline.

Since people with recessive chins have less surface area for the skin to stretch over, it only takes a little bit of excess fat, or a slight decrease in elasticity, for a double chin to form. This is the same reason why some people can be very thin and still have a double chin.   


Lastly, your genetics may be to blame if you have a double chin. If you notice that most of your family members are sporting plumper chins, the odds are you may be predisposed to a double chin yourself.

While there’s no “double chin gene,” other genes can contribute to this form of facial baggage. For example, genetic traits such as bone structure can come into play. Additionally, you may be predisposed to weight gain, thinner skin, and where you carry weight in your body.   

double chin neck fat

Which Exercises Target a Double Chin?

The most important thing to remember here is that there’s no such thing as “spot reducing” when it comes to weight loss of any kind. While you can train various muscle groups throughout your body—even in your face and neck—working them won’t result in targeted weight loss.

Weight loss happens when your body goes through a caloric deficit. When you burn fat, it comes off gradually, from head to toe. So, if you want to lose your double chin, you will have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. That means committing to a clean and nutritious diet accompanied with plenty of exercise.  

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Double Chin Exercises: How to Lose Neck Fat

While you can’t spot-reduce, you can strengthen the muscles in the area you want to improve. Ultimately, training your muscles will tone them, creating better definition and aid in your overall weight loss.

Below are a few exercises you can do to improve your chin and jowls, and check out our other blog post about Face Yoga for even more facial exercises and techniques. 

1. The Straight Jaw Jut

Sitting upright, tilt your head back so that it’s parallel with the ceiling. Keeping your mouth closed, push your lower jaw forward, so you feel a stretch under your chin. Hold this position for 10 seconds before relaxing your jaw. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

2. The Bottom Jaw Jut

Sitting in the same position as the straight jaw jut, tilt your head back to face the ceiling. Then, turn your head to the right and slide your bottom jaw forward. Hold this position for 10 seconds before returning your head to the front and relaxing your jaw. Repeat this exercise 3 times on both sides.

3. The Ball Exercise

Place a small, 10-inch ball under your chin. Press your chin down against the ball. Do this 25 times.

4. The Tongue Stretch

Sitting upright and looking straight ahead, stick your tongue out as far as possible. Lift your tongue upwards towards your nose and hold for 10 seconds. Then release. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

5. The Neck Stretch

Sitting upright, tilt your head back, and keep it parallel to the ceiling. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth and hold it there for 10 seconds before releasing it. Repeat this exercise 3 times. 

In addition to your double chin exercises and newly adopted healthy lifestyle, consider trying Jawzrsize. The product is a safe, effective, and innovative facial fitness device designed to tone and strengthen your jaw, face, and neck.